Links related to "Regulations"

African Biosafety Network of Expertise
TAGS: Africa, Biosafety, Developing countries, GMO surveys, Regulations, Regulatory approvals, Risk assessment,

African Centre for Biosafety
TAGS: Africa, Biosafety, Developing countries, GMO directory, Regulations, Risk assessment,

Agencia Portuguesa do Ambiente
TAGS: India, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority
TAGS: Singapore, Regulations,

Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries Research Council
TAGS: Japan, General information, Regulations,

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
TAGS: United States, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
TAGS: Australia, Biosafety, GMO surveys, Regulatory approvals, Regulations,

Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
TAGS: Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Belize Agricultural Health Authority
TAGS: Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Bio Regulations Canada
TAGS: Canada, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

TAGS: Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Biosafety China
TAGS: Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Biosafety Clearing-House
TAGS: Biosafety, Event characterization, GMO surveys, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Biosafety Information Centre
TAGS: Biosafety, Developing countries, GMO surveys, Regulations, Risk assessment,

Biosecurity Australia - DAFF
TAGS: Australia, Biosafety, Regulations,

Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
TAGS: Germany, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Canadian Food Inspection Agency
TAGS: Canada, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

TAGS: Mexico, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

TAGS: Netherlands, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Consumer Affairs Agency, Government Of Japan
TAGS: Labelling, Regulations,

CTNBio - Brazil
TAGS: Brazil, Biosafety Clearing-House, Biosafety, Information exchange, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
TAGS: United Kingdom, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Department of Biosafety - Ministry of Environment - Slovak Republic
TAGS: Slovakia, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Department of Biotechnology - Ministry of Science & Technology
TAGS: India, Biosafety, Regulations,

Environmental Information Centre
TAGS: Poland, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Environmental Protection Agency
TAGS: Ireland, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Environmental Protection Authority - New Zealand
TAGS: New Zealand, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

European Commission - DG Health and Consumers
TAGS: Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

European Commission - Joint Research Centre
TAGS: European Union, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

European Food Safety Authority - GMO Panel
TAGS: European Union, Regulations, Regulatory approvals, Risk assessment,

FAO - Biotechnology
TAGS: Developing countries, Library and articles and books, Regulations,

TAGS: Taiwan, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Food Safety Authority of Ireland
TAGS: Ireland, Regulations,

Food Security and Food Policy Information Portal for Africa
TAGS: Africa, Biosafety, Regulations,

Food Standards Australia New Zealand
TAGS: Australia, Good practices and guidelines and standards, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Genetic Engeenierid Approvals Committee
TAGS: India, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Genetic Modification Advisory Committee
TAGS: Singapore, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

GMO Info China
TAGS: Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Government of the Netherlands
TAGS: Netherlands, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Health Canada
TAGS: Canada, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Honk Kong - Center for Food Safety
TAGS: Honk Kong, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

India GM Info
TAGS: India, General information, Information exchange, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Indian GMO Research Information System
TAGS: India, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Indian GMO Research Information System
TAGS: India, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
TAGS: Biosafety, Regulations, Risk assessment,

Istituto Nacional de Semillas - Uruguay
TAGS: Uruguay, Commodities and grains and seeds, Regulations,

Malta Environment and Planning Authority
TAGS: Malta, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente
TAGS: Spain, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca - Uruguay
TAGS: Uruguay, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca
TAGS: Argentina, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Ministerio del poder popular para el Ambiente - Venezuela
TAGS: Venezuela, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Ministry for Primary Industries - New Zealand
TAGS: New Zealand, Biosafety, Regulations,

Ministry for Primary Industries - New Zealand
TAGS: New Zealand, Biosafety, Regulations,

Ministry for the Environment . New Zealand
TAGS: New Zealand, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
TAGS: Czech Republic, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

National Biodiversity and Biosafety Center
TAGS: Tajikistan, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines
TAGS: Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board
TAGS: Norway, Regulations,

Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board
TAGS: Norway, Regulations,

Office of the Gene Technology Regulator - Department of Health and Ageing - Australia
TAGS: Australia, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,
TAGS: United States, Public participation, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests
TAGS: Romania, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Servicio Agricola y Ganadero - Ministerio de Agricoltura - Chile
TAGS: Chile, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Servicio Fitosanitario del Estado de Costa Rica
TAGS: Costa Rica, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Shanghai GMO Platform
TAGS: Regulations, Regulatory approvals, Event characterization, Risk assessment,

Sistema de información de organismos vivos modificados
TAGS: Mexico, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Sistema de Información de Organismos Vivos Modificados
TAGS: Mexico, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Swedish Board of Agriculture
TAGS: Sweden, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

Swedish gene technology authorities
TAGS: Sweden, Biosafety, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

U,S. Food and Drug Asministration
TAGS: United States, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

U.K Food Standards Agency
TAGS: United Kingdom, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
TAGS: United States, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

UNEP-GEF Biosafety projects
TAGS: Biosafety, Regulations,

USAD - Economic Research Service
TAGS: United States, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

USDA - Global Agriculture Information Network
TAGS: Agricultural outlook, Agricultural statistics and trade, General information, GMO market, Library and articles and books, Regulations, Regulatory approvals,

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