USER’S GUIDE - The “Thematic maps” box guideClick here to download complete guide in PDF format

This section shows a series of thematic maps relating to the regulatory and approval status of GMOs worldwide.

Map of the ratification of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
This map shows the countries which have ratified, signed and not ratified the Cartagena Protocol on

biosafetyMap of approved crops
This map shows all crops approved for commercial purposes (food, feed and cultivation). Choose a country to visualize approved GM crops .
By clicking on each crop it is possible to access the information given in the “Report for: country and crop” page, which you can also access by starting the search from the “ Plant, Country, Biosafety” box.

biosafetyLabelling map
This map shows the regulatory status regarding GMO labelling for the different commercial categories (food, feed, seeds).
By clicking on a country the allowed percentage for GMOs, both approved and non approved, as well as the types of labelled products for each commercial category can be viewed.

biosafetyMap of approved transformation events
This map shows approved events for the different product categories.
The drop-down menu allows you to choose by crop, type of event and authorization (food, feed and cultivation).
By clicking on a country all authorized events for each crop type will be displayed
By clicking on each crop it is possible to access the information given in the “Report for: Country and Crop” page, which you can also view by starting the search from the “ Plant, country, Biosafety” box.

biosafetyMoratorium maps
This map shows the state of worldwide moratoriums.
By clicking on a country it is possible to visualize moratorium details.

biosafetyMap of the regulatory framework
The map shows the implementation level of the regulatory framework in accordance with the objectives set out in article 1 of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. In particular:
· Level 0: if there is no specific regulation;
· Level 1: if there is only a draft National Biosafety Framework;
· Level 2: if there is an incomplete regulatory framework, i.e. only some provisions have been adopted;
· Level 3: if there is a complete regulatory framework, i.e. all of the protocol’s provisions have been adopted.

The data has been obtained, for each ratifying country, in line with page 15 of article 2 of either the second implementation report of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety or a more recent report. For those countries which have not ratified the treaty, a comparison has been made between provisions applied in that country and those foreseen in the protocol. While, for the evaluation of level 1, use has been made of the information on the UNEP-GEF project webpage:
By clicking on each level (Fig. 28) the information shown in the “Report by country” will be displayed.

biosafetyMap of GMO cultivated areas in hectares
The map shows total GMO cultivated areas in hectares. By default the “Map of total GMO cultivated areas” is shown. The drop-down menu allows you to choose by crop.
By clicking on a country the cultivated area for the chosen crop is displayed .

biosafetyMap of GMO cultivated areas as a % of total national cultivated area
The map shows total GMO cultivated areas as a percentage of total national cultivated area for the chosen crop.
By default the “Map of total GMO cultivated areas for maize” is displayed. The drop-down menu allows you to choose by crop.
By clicking on a country the exact cultivated area as a percentage can be viewed .

Biosafety Scanner // Genetic Rights Foundation